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FYR Gallery
  • 点击数:29983
  • 产品类别: 世博展区 企业馆
  • 产品描述:
  • FYR Gallery


    FYR Gallery, based in the city of Florence in Italy since 1998, with the direction of Ms. Rosanna Ossola, owner and manager, has been attemping to suppport, encourage and develop art and built a nice envoironment for art.
    Accompany with artist or art institutes, FYR gallery devotes all of their efforts to find imaginations and ideals at the edge and frontier of time and offer stages for them.

    FYR Gallery devotes itself to put Chinese and European art forward and since 2004 began to introduce foreign famous artists in many ways and find outsand works in China actively at present organizing important exhibitions.

    FYR Gallery Shanghai

版权所有 Copyright (C) 2014 上海后世博研究中心

地址:上海市恒丰路638号28楼  电话:021-52289890  传真:021-52902210