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Eyes on italy
  • 点击数:8496
  • 产品类别: 世博展区 企业馆
  • 产品描述:
  • Eyes on italy


    Rome is home to a great number of World Heritage Sites. It is a “privileged place” where language learning can be enriched by countless archeological, cultural and architectural heritage of the Eternal City.

    Eyes On Italy gives students, who are interested in Italian culture, the opportunity to plan their own learning program according to their desires and passions.

    Archeology, Art and Cinema, are the three main fields from which students may choose to deepen their language learning.

    Eyes On Italy combines classroom lessons with didactic tours to give students a 360° vision of Italian culture. The language becomes an approach of the discovery journey.

版权所有 Copyright (C) 2014 上海后世博研究中心

地址:上海市恒丰路638号28楼  电话:021-52289890  传真:021-52902210