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  • 产品类别: 世博展区 企业馆
  • 产品描述:
  •  Lamberti


    The Lamberti Group headquarters are in Gallarate (Italy) about 40 kms North of Milan and 10 minutes' drive from Malpensa international Airport. The main Production facilities, the Technological Centre and Logistics Offices are located in Albizzate (Italy).
    Lamberti S.p.A., founded in 1911, leads the Group which achieved a sales turnover of approx. Euro 545 million in 2014.
    Lamberti has subsidiaries all over the world. Please check our worldwide contacts.

    Lamberti spa through the Business Unit Agrochemistry, develops and produces, within its technological platforms, molecules and solutions instrumental to generate value in the agricultural market, either as tank mix adjuvants or as additives, for new and better performing formulations of crop protection and nutrition products.

    Thanks to continuous innovation and close collaboration with its partners, including consultancy for formulation development, the Company has earned the reputation of a solid technological partner. By combining environmental concern with sustainable development, Lamberti designs agrochemical delivery systems for the industry and the farmers aiming to improve efficacy and efficiency.

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地址:上海市恒丰路638号28楼  电话:021-52289890  传真:021-52902210