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  • 点击数:29906
  • 产品类别: 世博展区 企业馆
  • 产品描述:
  • Besana Group is today one of the most important European company in terms of production, processing and commercialisation of nuts and dried fruit.
    Besana has various production and commercial plants in Italy and abroad. Thanks to their strong relationship with the major multiples and primary food industries, the Group achieves a turnover of about 170 millions of Euro; 80% of the production is exported.
    Through cooperatives and producer associations Besana coordinates the production of over 2,000 growers and therefore completes the fruit and vegetable chain "from the field to the fork".
    Besana produces more than 20,000 tons of nuts and dried fruit every year with a total of 400 highly skilled employees and workers in Italy and further 300 abroad.
    Through the brand Almaverde Bio, Besana is a leading processor and business partner for organic products replying to the growing consciousness of consumers in terms of quality, health, environment issues, and product certification.
    "Made in Blu Trading", founded in 2003, associates the major companies of the Italian fruit and vegetable chain with the purpose to achieve in the next few years a leading position within a highly competitive market promoting the "Made in blu" brand that guarantees very best Italian quality.
    Love for work, experience and respect for tradition have been the driving force behind the first 85 years of the company’s activity. Particular attention to product innovation and development of technical processes are the priorities of Besana’s management. Besana aim to pursue the globalisation process and the continuous product research.

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