Presented at Expo Milano 2015 the Partnership between BolognaFiere and NürnbergMesse
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  • The organic lifestyle is one that is based on the awareness of good health and the organic market itself is a healthy one. Two countries that are complementary players in this sector are Italy and Germany, respectively the most important producer and most important market in Europe for organic products. From this close cultural and economic commonality sprouted the idea of forming an organic alliance between BolognaFiere and NürnbergMesse . The Nuremberg trade fair organization has been very attentive to the organic sector. On Wednesday, June 24 at the Biodiversity Park of Expo Milano 2015, the partnership that will lead to the creation of an Organic Week was formalized. From September 3 to 5, 2015, the Biodiversity Park will host activities dedicated to organic farming.
    The idea of biodiversity

    Cultivating the land is not just about producing food, but also about creating landscapes, food cultures and the art of living. The organic world brings with it all these aspects, and is particularly suited to the Italian context. "Italian agriculture has a history of caring for the land that has been continued by those who choose organic methods, it’s  a relationship with the environment that we wanted to represent in the Biodiversity Park, where we reproduce all of the Italian landscapes, from the Alps to Sicily - said Duccio Campagnoli , President of BolognaFiere - and with the Organic Week in September, which we will organize with our friends from  Nuremberg, we will strengthen our contribution to Expo Milano 2015 on organics, a topic that we would also like to become part of the Milan Charter".
    Biodiversity and organic farming at Expo Milano 2015

    At a time when conventional European agriculture struggles to ensure stable incomes for families who work the land, organic farming is growing in the double digits. But even so, the overall production cannot meet the market demand, both here in Italy and within Europe. The goal of operators is therefore to expand the organic farming acreage, involving large-scale distribution systems and creating districts characterized by a common organic identity, able to put in place a system of agriculture, tourism and culture.
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