Tanzania, the Land of Spices Celebrates its National Day at Expo Milano 2015
点击数: 11683          作者:未知
  • Today, July 13, Tanzania celebrated its National Day at Expo Milano 2015. The first Vice President of Zanzibar,Seif Sharif Hamad and the General Commissioner of Expo, Bruno Antonio Pasquino, participated in the opening ceremony of the National Day of Tanzania. During the opening event,Pasquino recalled the centuries-old role of Tanzania in the production and trading of spices, which play a considerable role in the culinary traditions of many countries.Seif Sharif Hamadspoke about the theme of the Expo, saying that it is "very dear to all the populations of the world, all those who suffer on a daily basis due to a lack of food. Expo Milano 2015 is a wonderful opportunity for Tanzania”.



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