Nepal Beats all the Odds: the Pavilion Opens at Expo Milano 2015
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  • On July 12th, Nepal  celebrated the opening of its Pavilion at Expo Milano 2015 in the presence of the Nepalese Ambassador to Italy H.E. Deepak Dhital, vice commissioner of the Pavilion, Amrit Shakya, Bruno Antonio Pasquino, the General Commissioner and Benedetto della Vedova, Italian Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

    Feeding the Planet starting from peace

    The Country devastated by the earthquake on April 25th  was able to complete the works on the Pavilion with the help of the workers occupied with other construction projects of the Exposition. Thanks to them, today the Nepalese Pavilion can be proud of one of the most exclusive restaurants in the Universal Exposition and celebrate its own traditions, starting with the city plans of the ancient residential settlements in the valleys of Kathmandu. “We were able to complete the works thanks to the help we received from the Italians.” Commissioner Shakya said that “From now on, visitors can hear the sound of serenity and meditate. To feed the planet, it is indeed from peace that we need to start”. The solidarity race launched by the workers of Expo Milano 2015 is now enjoying success with the marvelous construction of the Pavilion, featuring a pathway interspaced by pillars sculpted with stories and prayers. The Pavilion represents the mandala, a diagram composed of various geometric figures, which forms the circle of life.


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