the Intesa Sanpaolo Pavilion inaugurates its program of cultural events for children and families
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  • Play, creativity and sharing are the foundations of the cultural project for children and families prepared by theIntesa Sanpaolo PavilioninExpo Milano 2015. Inaugurated onSunday June 28, this program will stage a rich series of events lastinguntil 31 October 2015. Open to all comers and totally free of charge, the events feature theatre shows and workshops developed in collaboration with experienced and talented performers and prestigious cultural institutions, with whom Intesa Sanpaolo have worked together for years. An unmissable opportunity for parents and children to share the joy of creating theatre, music and art together.


    Sharing Creativity
    TheIntesa Sanpaolo Pavilionat the Universal Exposition presents a creatively stimulating face to the world right from the appearance of its exterior, which inspired by the smoothed shapes of stones polished by flowing water but constructed with wood, calling itself The Waterstone. “The Intesa Sanpaolo Pavilion is a space open to everyone, and its program of activities and events is inspired by the concept of sharing – explainsGabriella Gemo(Head of the Intesa Sanpaolo Expo Project) – The project is divided into five parts:Sharing Arts, Sharing Creativity, Sharing the World, Sharing Visions and Sharing Stories. For Sharing Creativity we have developed a program of shows and theatrical and artistic workshops aimed at stimulating the creativity of children of all ages, inspired by the themes of sustainability, community, diet, waste and, above all, sharing.”
    Culture as an instrument for social progress
    All the activities for children and families inThe Waterstoneare created together with theatres and associations with whom Intesa Sanpaolo regularly collaborates: “Intesa Sanpaolo has long been committed to supporting culture, art, music and environmental respect through itsCulture Project, a three year plan which supports culture as a strategic stimulus for territorial development and an invaluable instrument of civil progress, social inclusion and sustainable economic growth – explains Gabriella Gemo – and this perspective led materially to the birth of our program for children and families visiting the Universal Exposition. Today the curtain rises on this project, which comes to life and to the stage through collaborations with entities like thePiccolo Teatro of Milan, theMuseo del Risparmio of Turin, theFondazione Teatro Ragazzi / Children’s Theatre Foundation and Giovani Onlus of Turin,Pinksie The Whale,La Scienza in Reteand many other important hives of culture.”
    The program of events for families and children to be staged at the Intesa Sanpaolo Pavilion at Expo Milano 2015:

    Playing with Theater

    June 28, at 11:30, 12:30, 15:00, 16:00 – The Waterstone
    Il Principe ranocchio / Prince Frog
    With the Piccolo Teatro of Milan
    A workshop-show for children and families organized by Stefano de Luca. Two young performers will directly involve the public in their unusual staging of The Frog Prince, inspired by the version of the Brothers Grimm. An amusingly lively show which makes exciting use of original and colorful animation techniques.
    - July 26, at 11:30, 12:30, 15:00, 16:00
    - August 30, at ore 11:00, 12:00
    - September 6, at 11:30, 12:30, 15:00, 16:00
    - October 4, at 11:30, 12:30

    July 11, at 19:30 and 21:00 - The Waterstone
    Around the World in 80 Days
    with the Children’s Theater Foundation and Kids of Turin Organization
    A show crammed with gestures and music from all over the world. A modern global fairytale: Phileas Fogg and his servant Passepartout bring the public with them as they visit faraway places and adventures.

    July 18, at 19:30 and 21:00 - The Waterstone
    Acrobatic Show
    With the Children’s Theater Foundation and Kids of Turin Organization
    Adults and children will be led on an unusual and exciting exploration of varied techniques of street theater, acrobatics and clowning, by Milo Scotton and Olivia Ferraris.
    Little Creatives
    July 12, from 15:30 to 18:30
    Pinksie the Whale, learn as you create
    with Pinksie the Whale
    Entertainment for children incorporating free drawing and kit assembly, guided by an animator and inspired by the whale Pinksie and the themes of Expo.

    - August 29, from 15:30 to 18:30
    - October 11, from 15:30 to 18:30

    Playing with the Savings Museum
    July 19, from 15:00 to 18:00 - The Waterstone 
    Savings Museum Workshops
    with the Museo del Risparmio Intesa Sanpaolo
    Video pills and creative workshops for younger and older children, aimed at playfully making them aware of themes such as food waste and the scarcity of natural resources, and at helping them reflect about intelligent shopping options and the variables which affect the prices of basic food ingredients.
    - August 1, from 15:00 to 18:30
    - August 2, from 15:00 to 18:00
    - September 5, from 15:00 to 18:00
    - October 17, from 15:00 to 18:00
    - October 18, from 15:00 to 18:00
    Any changes of dates or times will be announced separately if necessary.
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