Compelling Drum Rhythms Accompany the Official Ceremonies of Rwanda’s National Day
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  • Mid-morning of Thursday July 2 saw the inaugural ceremony for the National Day of Rwanda, one of various African countries present in the Coffee Cluster of Expo Milano 2015. The opening national anthems were followed by speeches byBenedetto Della Vedova(Italy’s Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs) andLuise Mushikiwabo(Rwanda’s Foreign Affairs Minister). This ceremony was followed by a rousing dance show by the Rwanda National Dance Company, driven by compelling drum rhythms.
    Rwanda, a country which puts women at the center of political life
    “I am very happy to have this opportunity”, beganUndersecretary Della Vedova. “If there is one continent with a decisive role to play in the food issues of the future, that’s Africa. Forty African nations are taking part in Expo Milano 2015, and one of the most dynamic of these is Rwanda. Twenty years have gone by since the tragic civil war of 1994, and today we can say that the country finally has a stable government.”
    Della Vedovaalso complimented the country for its commitment to abolishing the death penalty – enacted in 2007 – and for the robust presence of women in its political life, represented in parliament with 64 percent of its members.
    Luise Mushikiwabothanked all the participants for the welcome, and all the organizers who had contributed to the day’s events: “This Universal Exposition is not simply an opportunity for each participating country to display its products, it is above all a place for encouraging cultural exchanges and trade between nations. The theme of Expo Milano 2015 provides an incredible chance to intervene in the planet’s future, just at a moment when more and more people around the world are beginning to ask questions about correct and sustainable diet.”
    A day packed with events
    During the course of the day various initiatives took place promoting Rwanda’s economic development. At 15:00 in the Auditorium, as part of the Women’s Weeks program, an interesting conference highlighted the role of women in the country’s revival, “Women in the Rebirth of a Nation”, featuring Italian businesswomanLetizia Moratti(member of WE-Women for Expo International),Louise Mushikiwaboand the magistrateLivia Pomodoro(Ambassador for WE Women for Expo).


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