Starting from girls! They are the source to trigger a change!”
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  • The problem of malnutrition can easily be resolved if women are more involved. If mothers are taught more about balanced diet, they will be able to raise stronger children.”

    Rose Sakalais young, but she has clear ideas. And she provided striking testimony in the“Starting from girls: they are the source to trigger a change!”event, promoted bySave The Childrenas part of the WE-Women For Expo program, in collaboration with Italy’sMinistry of Foreign Affairsand International Cooperationand with theArnoldo and Alberto Mondadori Foundation, on the basic theme of adolescent empowerment in developing countries.Rose Sakalaoutlined her story as a student in Agrarian Economy and explained the social attitudes in Malawi concerning girls’ schooling. “Education is really, really important. If you educate one child, you educate the whole nation”, she explained in the interview she gave on ExpoNet, “But if children don’t have enough to eat, the risk of them leaving school increases, because no one can study on an empty stomach.

    Save the Children’s contribution
    Sakala reminded the public that 80% of Malawi’s agricultural workers are women, most of whom have been underage mothers.
    Save The Children has been operating in Malawi since 1983, focusing strongly on prevention, education and health programs, but also developing lending and reinvestment projects for young women.

    “It is crucial that women learn about the main food groups, because they prepare the food – explainedSakala– and they must know how to prepare a balanced meal, getting the most out of the nutritional resources available to them. Women for Expo is an excellent initiative, because it encourages women to unite, and whenever women unite for a common cause, they find a solution.”


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