Special Guest - Star of the Ad - Maria Grazia Cucinotta
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  • "The Environmental Natives" communication campaign was presented on July 13 at Expo Milano 2015 to the cry of “Save the world, save the Earth” as 45 children joined in a circle to play “Ring around the Rosie” . The Minister of Environment Gian Luca Galletti, promoter of the initiative was present, together with CONAI, National Packaging Consortium and the six Industry Consortia for the recycling of materials: RICREAfor steel, CIAL for aluminum, Comieco for paper, Rilegno for wood, Corepla for plastic and Coreve for glass.

    The children, all between 4 and 10 years old, were accompanied by actress Maria Grazia Cucinotta, Ambassador of Expo Milano 2015 and testimonial of the event. The actress launched the advertisement in which she stars in an original Ring Around the Rosie that promotes recycling - and she has chosen to donate her fee to the charity association AILR.
    An easy but decisive game for the future of the Planet
    All the children wore t-shirts with the phrase ‘giro girotondo’ (Ring around the Rosie), and passed each other packaging waste. In this way, they showed the adults in the audience how recycling can be as simple an operation as a game of Ring around the Rosie, but with a difference: this kind of “game” is designed to 'save the world', and create a lighter future, one that is not bogged down by waste.

    “You are the future of this Country - said minister Gian Luca Galletti to the children who participated - You have to be – true guards of the Environment, ready to educate adults how to behave correctly and to tell us when we are wrong. You have the right to inherit a better world, but you also have a duty to take care of it, starting with your own garden, your own home. Having love and respect the environment must become a way of life – continued Minister Galletti –, an attitude to learn from early childhood, as quickly as a child learns to use a tablet today. This is why we intend to visit schools, oratories and sport centers to teach the youngest members of our communities about recycling”.
    The "Environmental Natives" campaign will be launched in September
    “Environmental Natives” is a national campaign dedicated to protecting the planet and it was created with the purpose of encouraging citizens to behave correctly, starting from a new perspective: future generations will have to grow up in a society where good environment practices – such as recycling for reutilizing garbage - will have to be totally natural and instinctive. The cultural challenge is this: the "digital natives" will also have to be "environmental natives", to lead the Country towards a sustainable future.

    The campaign will be launched in September in national and regional daily newspapers, on local TV and radio, on the web and on billboards, with a particular focus on the Regions of the Centre and South of Italy. “The Environmental Natives campaign aims to reinforce the local activities performed by CONAI and the Consortia of the production chains to develop the practice of recycling designed to reuse packaging waste – declared Roberto De Santis, President of CONAI - The initiative, with which we guarantee coverage in seven Regions of the south and center  of Italy, will give a boost to the efforts of local administrations”. The Ring around the Rosie was then performed "live" on the stage of the Open Plaza and this time those linking hands included two special participants, Minister Galletti and the President of CONAI.


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