Ibrahim Hagi Abdulkadir and Paolo Rozera discuss Somalia in its Pavilion in the Arid Zones Cluster
点击数: 11445          作者:未知
  • On July 18, in the Pavilion of Somalia, in the Arid Zones Cluster in Expo Milano 2015, Somalia’s ambassador to Italy Ibrahim Hagi Abdulkadir met with the President of Unicef ItaliaPaolo Rozera, the Commissioner General of Expo Milano 2015 Bruno Antonio Pasquino and the painter Angiola Busato to describe the recent history and development of Somalia and the progress it is making in children’s rights.
    During this encounter, the participants discussed the historic and cultural conditions in Somalia from its civil war to its very recent adhesion to the Children’s Rights Convention, highlighting the dreams and huge efforts of a people still experiencing extremely difficult situations. “Somali children suffer from an acute lack of fundamental rights”, explained Ambassador Ibrahim Hagi Abdulkadir. “They lack healthy food, education and an adequate health system, and are confronted every day by the effects of 25 years of violence and terrorism. But despite this, Somalia is determined to succeed in overcoming its problems.” Describing Unicef’s commitment to supporting Somali families and above all children, Paolo Rozera explained that “Unicef fights a daily battle against the challenge of bringing happiness to children who daily suffer the conditions reigning in the country.”

    The discussion was accompanied by the inauguration of an exhibition inside the Somali Pavilion of 21 paintings by Angiola Busato, who – compelled “by a heartfelt need” – has portrayed the most touching moments in the life and conditions of Somalia’s children, associating the images with articles from the Children’s Rights Convention… rights which are still tragically denied them.


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