“The Energy of Azerbaijan’s Land”.
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  • On Tuesday July 21, the Azerbaijian Pavilion in Expo Milano 2015 organized a conference portraying the new challenges faced by the country and its potential development, ranging from petrol to nanotechnologies. Participants in “The Energy of Azerbaijan’s Land” included Ibragim Guliyev, Vice-President of the Azerbaijian National Academy of Science, Vaqif Abbasov, Director of the Institute of Petrochemical Processes of the Azerbaijian National Academy of Science and Nazim Mamedov, Director of the Institute of Physics of the Azerbaijian National Academy of Science.
    Not only petrol in the future of Azerbaijian
    Ibragim Guliyev described the history and development of the country’s petrol strategy, including the issue of natural gas. “Azerbaijian is implementing a policy of diversification of energy resources, and in the near future will begin to increase its gas exports, in particular to Europe. The Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) is being constructed, respecting the established times and agreements.” Vaqif Abbasov focused his speech on another resource, purified Naftalan, a non-inflammable liquid which has curative properties for dermatological diseases and allergies. “Various European health institutes – explained Abbasov – are carrying out tests on the benefits of our special treatments, above all in reducing the impact of rheumatism and eczema.” Nazim Mamedov talked about the country’s developing energy prospects related to the use of biotechnology and nanotechnology, which will increasingly “make it possible to make such spectacular progress as to justify calling our century the bio-physical century.


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