A China-Italy Conference on Cultural Diplomacy and Creative Industries.
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  • The diplomacy between Countries goes through culture too. This was the message that came out of the second China-Italy Conference on cultural diplomacy and creative industries held at the Conference Center at Milan Expo 2015 on July 22. The meeting, organized by Associazione Priorità Cultura chaired by Francesco Rutelli and the China Public Diplomacy Association (CPDA), was attended by the Commissioner for Expo Milano 2015, Giuseppe Sala and the Mayor of Milan Giuliano Pisapia. The two figures introduced the work that led to the signing of four agreements in the fields of culture, food, TV, audiovisuals and sports. A memorandum between the port of Venice and the largest commercial port in China was also signed for the creation of an international platform for the cities of the Silk Road.
    It is necessary to invest in culture
    Besides Rutelli, among the people who took the floor, was also the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China Li Zhaoxing (President of CPDA) who underlined the importance of the Italian-Chinese collaboration that is leading to sharing many experiences both from a cultural and environmental point of view. After him, it was the moment of the Undersecretary of State of the Ministry of the Cultural Heritage, Activities and Tourism Ilaria Borletti Buitoni who said that: “relations between Italy and China are strengthened by cultural tourism. Protecting the traditions and environment is essential for a better life and for this reason, it is important to valorize both aspects without underestimating the differences”.
    The birth of the alliance between the Silk Road cities
    Li Ruiyu, Ambassador of China in Italy, summarized by quoting some important numbers on the role of Italy for Beijing: “You are a Country to invest in even from a cultural point of view. Fifty thousand Chinese students come to study in Italy every year and tourists have reached two million”. Numbers that have grown quickly over recent years and that have become an incentive for the development of new commercial collaborations as highlighted by Francesco Paolo Fulci, President of Ferrero. The meeting held at the Expo is the second of three. The first was held in Rome on July 21. The delegation met the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, at the Quirinale. The last one is scheduled for July 23 at the Biennale in Venice, where the first Forum for the cooperation of the Silk Road cities will be held.


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