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  • Today, Monday July 27, was the National Day of Sudan, an agricultural country with a strong food tradition since the times of the ancient Kingdom of Sudan, and thriving fruit, tuber, cereal and legume crops. The country celebrated its National Day in Expo Milano 2015 to the sound of percussions and rhythmic dancing: congas, cymbals and bongas kept the beat throughout the morning festivities which were attended by a large number of Sudanese citizens. “Sudan plays a key role in the production of food", emphasized the General Commissioner of Expo Milano 2015, Bruno Antonio Pasquino. "The African Country is a fine example of tradition, culture and sustainable agriculture."

    The home of the Nile and of agriculture

    A role that is also reflected in the theme chosen by Sudan for its participation in Expo Milano 2015, "The Nile’s home. Land of agricultural opportunities and food securities", referred to several times during the ceremony. In his speech, the Sudanese Minister of Trade, Elsadiq Mohamed Ali, underlined the importance of the agricultural sector for the Sudanese economy, an industry that “accounts for 35 percent of the country’s GDP. “For us, Expo Milano 2015", continued the Minister, "is an important showcase which we can use to present Sudan to the world, inviting everyone to discover our flora and fauna, cultures and agro-food traditions. I would like to personally invite all visitors to come to our Pavilion and breathe in the scents of Sudan”.

    The participation of Sudan at Expo Milano 2015

    The objectives of the country’s participation in the Universal Exposition of Milan are to share its commitment to tackling the great challenges posed by crop and livestock farming, and to launch a dialogue based on biodiversity and the themes of Expo Milano 2015. As Minister of Trade, Elsadiq Mohamed Ali, reminded us, agriculture is the country’s prime industry, engaging over 70 percent of the national workforce. The Pavilion is inspired by the typical Sudanese home. It is laid out on one floor, to maintain the connection between the indoor and outdoor areas and centered round an indoor courtyard, the focus of Sudanese family life and the place where they dine together.


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