In an encounter titled “Not the usual day”, Varvello 1888 presented “not the usual flour”
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  • “Our experience as Official Sponsor of the Cereals and Tubers Cluster has been wonderful, a big success”, commentedFranco Varvello (President of Varvello 1888) as he presented the encounter Not the usual day, organized in the late morning of Sunday 11 October to highlight the properties of his flour Integralbianco® (translatable as ‘wholemeal white bread’), an innovative product which is as white as traditional white flour but maintains the qualities of wholemeal flour. “We have patented an entirely natural system which makes it possible to produce a top quality flour which is outstandingly rich in nutrients,” added Varvello.

    The best cure for cardiovascular disease remains prevention
    Varvello 1888, whose founding date is incorporated in its brand name, has now ceased its traditional activity as a flour miller, devoting itself to research. But it still has a list of quality traditional mills which take meticulous care of the quality of its raw materials. One of these is the Mulino Colombo, whose CEO Andrea Ottolina was present at the encounter. “Our mill grinds the grain extremely slowly”, Ottolina explained, “leaving all the it’s sensorial characteristics intact, without adding anything. Our company too is a historical company, having been founded in 1882. Ours was the first mill operated by electricity.” Another speaker was Stefano Perlini (a Doctor with the I.R.C.C.S. Foundation Policlinico San Matteo and Pavia University), who supplied detailed medical descriptions of the health benefits derived from the daily consumption of carbohydrates rich in fiber, which positively influence glucose levels in the blood: “The best cure for cardio vascular diseases, for obesity, Metabolic Syndrome, high blood pressure or diabetes is prevention. Correct food consumption, such as the Mediterranean diet, helps reduce the risk of these diseases.”

    The importance of communicating to consumers that eating better means living better
    After this, Fulvio Marcello Zendrini (Marketing Advisor and gastronomic journalist) spoke, saying “I like to quote the singer and song-writer Giorgio Gaber’s words ‘an idea that remains an idea is an abstraction. But if you can eat it, it’s a revolutionary action’. Well, this flour is a revolutionary idea which has turned into food. And my job is to help consumers understand that this brand offers certain guarantees, and that wise eating is good for your health.” At the end of the presentations, Varvello 1888 offered all those present a rich buffet of products made with Integralbianco® andPizzaGiovane®, its two innovative high digestibility products created with fiber-rich flour and nutritious ingredients.

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