Mobility Center. From Expo Milano 2015 to a social innovation project for the future
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  • The results of the Mobility Center development project promoted by the Civil Society Pavilion were presented on Sunday, October 25 at Cascina Triulza at Expo Milano 2015. Sergio Silvotti, President of Fondazione Triulza, Alessandro Martelli and Andrea Ferretti, Director of Operations  and Marketing and Communication Director of the Mobility Center, participated in the event, while Giulio Gallera, Councillor for the income for autonomy and social inclusion projects in the Lombardy Region, left a message for the participants.
    Starting from Expo Milano 2015, the culture of accessibility
    During the six months of the Universal Exposition, the Civil Society Pavilion opened an information point, ExpoFacile, and the Mobility Center mentioned above to make the site accessible to everyone. Over 15,000 people have been able to visit the Universal Exposition in Milan thanks to the electric scooter and wheelchair rental service organised by the profit and no profit associations that participated in the Mobility Center project, and the partnership with the companies that work in the fields of technology and aids for accessibility. The commitment, which is sustained by Fondazione Triulza and the other public institutions, is one which will also continue after the end of Expo Milano 2015, as confirmed by Sergio Silvotti, bringing the success of this experience to other large events and public places. “Spreading a real culture of accessibility” continues the President of Fondazione Triulza “and working to apply it on a practical level, is one of our goals and we believe that we can achieve this through the model of effective, practical collaboration that we tested in Expo 2015 and which many civil society organisations implement on a daily basis, confirming its value in terms of social innovation”. Over the next few months, Mobility Center srl will move to the Lab-Hub for social innovation, the element into which the Civil Society Pavilion will evolve after Expo Milano 2015.

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