点击数: 2013          作者:未知
  • Second international conference gathers experts around Busan World Expo 2030 bid

    Busan hopes to bring the World Expo to the Republic of Korea in 2030 to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the inauguration of Busan port.
    The Second International Conference for Busan World Expo 2030 gathered today more than 200 experts from around the world to discuss Busan's potential bid for Expo 2030.

    2030 Busan

    Busan has already started its preparations for its potential bid since last year but the earliest the country could submit its bid for a World Expo in 2030 is 2021.Once one country has lodged a bid with the BIE other countries have six months to enter into the competition.
    Mr Byung-soo Suh, Mayor of Busan Metropolitan City, stated: "If Busan begins to prepare from now on, hosting 2030 Expo is no longer a mere dream."
    BIE Secretary General, Mr Vicente G. Loscertales, attended the conference and told the audience in his opening speech: "Taking into consideration the tremendous success of the Republic of Korea in hosting past exhibitions such as Taejon 1993 and Yeosu 2012, I am very pleased and excited by the possibility of having a candidature from the city of Busan for an Expo in 2030."

    Busan city

    The Republic of Korea has indeed successfully hosted two international Expos, the first one in Taejon in 1993 and the second one in Yeosu in 2012, but has never hosted a World Expo.
    Busan is the country's second largest city. The city has successfully hosted numerous mega events including the 2002 Asian Games and APEC 2005 Korea. Busan was also one of the host cities for the 2002 FIFA World Cup.

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