Tomorrow, June 18, Michelle Obama will Visit the United States Pavilion at Expo Milano 2015.
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  • She is certainly among the most aniticipated of guests to Expo Milano 2015: tomorrow, June 18,Michelle Obamawill be visiting the Universal Exhibition, together with her daughters Sasha and Malia and her mother Marian Robinson. The first lady will lead theofficial delegation of the United Statesto the USA Pavilion “American Food 2.0: United to Feed the Planet”. And the Country could not have a more exemplary sponsor: the commitment of Michelle against childhood obesity through the program “Let’s Move” has involved the entire nation since 2010.
    The importance healthy nutrition and  access to education
    The American first lady recently announced announced the new American programs in support of girls' access to education in developing countries. Even today - as Michelle Obama writes in her editorial in the Financial Times - 62 million girls are excluded from the school system: it is a barrier that has enormous personal, health and economic costs. Michelle Obama has thus become one of the most influential women in the world of food and a symbol of the many ways in which women can contribute effectively to nourishing the Planet.

    Healthy nutrition, access to education, health: are the commitments on which Michelle Obama has built her activities as First Lady and on which she intends leaving her own legacy.
    WE-Women for Expo
    Expo Milano 2015 is the first Universal Exhibition focusing on the role of women through a project carried out in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation together with the Fondazione Arnoldo and Alberto Mondadori. WE-Women for Expo is an international network that reflects actively on the role of women in agricultural production, nutrition and in the fight against food waste.  All studies show that if women have the same access as men to land ownership,  agricultural credit and education, the global food production would increase significantly, reducing the number of people (795 million) who are still suffering from malnutrition. On these issues, Emma Bonino, president of Women for Expo and Michelle Bachelet, President of Chile, launched a "Women's alliance" on June 6.
    For a week, women and nutrition under the spotlight
    A specific focus will be dedicated to these themes during the two weeks of “The world’s better half - Women’s week”, from June 29 to July 10, offers a rich program of international events dedicated to women.  
    Some of the main events, in harmony with the topics so dear to Michelle Obama, will discuss girls’ education and the relationship between nutrition and health.


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