Bollywood in Milano! Today the Expo Site Became a Special Kind of Set for an Original Indian Musical
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  • On Wednesday June 17, inside the Expo Site, shooting took place for an Indian musical calledBesh Korechi Prem Korechi, produced by a major production company based in eastern India. Scenes were shot in and around the suggestive Pavilions of Brazil and Vietnam, watched by crowds of curious visitors. Directed by Raja Chanda, the lead roles are played by two major stars of Indian cinema, Koel Mallick and Jeetendra Madnani.


    A fascinating cosmopolitan set for an Indian musical
    “It’s marvelous to be here. I never expected something so enormous”, commented actressKoel Mallick. “So many people from all over the world in one place at the same time, sharing and discovering so many things from so many countries, especially about food.” The directorChandawas equally impressed and delighted: “The songs in our film are extremely romantic, and this place has been ideal as a set for the videoclips for our musical. Expo Milano 2015 has not just met my expectations, it has far surpassed them. It’s a pity that in a few months’ time it will all be dismantled. I wonder what will take its place? I’d love to come and see the answer to that!”.
    Videoclips: a key factor in determining the success of Indian films
    Much of the footage shot in Expo Milano 2015 today and tomorrow is destined for two of the most important videoclips of the film, based on its original soundtrack. Singing and dancing scenes play a huge part in Indian films, and the videoclips featuring these are fundamental to the production’s success even while it is still in the production phase: well before the film is released, the video trailers can guarantee full houses when the film finally reaches the screen.This film will be released in Indian cinemas in August 2015.
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