Michelle Obama Visits Expo Milano 2015 with Agnese Renzi.
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  • An exceptional day today took place at Expo Milano 2015. Starting at 9:00AM Michelle Obama  was welcomed  to the Universal Exposition by Italian First Lady, Agnese Renzi, who accompanied her during a visit to Palazzo Italia. America's first lady spoke in the Nursery School space, which is dedicated to nutritional education during the  formative years, on the subject  that she has committed to the United States with the ""Let’s Move" program.
    Reaching the terrace of Palazzo Italia, Michelle Obama met withDiana Bracco, President of Expo 2015 and Commissioner General of Section of the Italian Pavilion, Maurizio Martina, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food and Giuseppe Sala, Commissioner of the Government of Italy for Expo Milano 2015, aswell as withEmma Bonino and Marta Dassù,respectivelyHonorary PresidentandExecutive Chairman of WE-Women for Expo.
    The meeting with Emma Bonino and Marta Dassù
    On the terrace of Palazzo Italia, Michelle Obama spoke with Emma Bonino and Marta Dassù. The meeting was an opportunity to present the First Lady with the projects of WE-Women for Expo.
    Emma Bonino pointed out that some of the programs supported by the international network that she chairs along  with Marta Dassù , are in alignment with the  latest initiatives supported by the First Lady, in particular, the program " “Let Girls Learn  ," which aims to promote  girls access to education. In the two weeks of events organized in Milan by WE-Women for Expo  (June 29-July 10) one of the main themes will be "Starting from girls".
    Clear connection between Michelle Obama and the themes of WE-Women for Expo
    Let's move , the program based on the relationship between healthy eating, exercise and  good health, is reflected in the projects of WE-Women for Expo. Emma Bonino has agreed with the First Lady of United States to evaluate possible future synergies. The meeting took place in an atmosphere of great cordiality and with the understanding of the vital role that new female generations will leverage for positive change. Women - as players in the field of nutrition and food production - can be instrumental in fighting hunger and malnutrition. The project WE-Women for Expo has already taken the first steps in reaching this goal.
    The visit ended at the US Pavilion
    Michelle Obama’s visit to  Palazzo Italia ended at about 10:00 am, when the First Lady paid a visit to the United States Pavilion, where she remained until the end of her stay at Expo.
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