Friday, June 19 Expo Milano 2015 Welcomed Cristina Gallach, UN Under-Secretary-General for Communications
点击数: 11223          作者:未知
  • Under-Secretary-General for Communications,Cristina Gallach’s visit to the Universal Exhibition emphasizes the great communicative value of Expo Milano 2015. The United Nations is participating in this global event with 18 spaces and multimedia installations spread throughout the Expo Site, rather than a single pavilion. It is the first time that this has happened in the Exhibition’s history and the choice was motivated by the UN’s aim to get closer to the all people, adopting a style of communication that combines the effectiveness of the informal style with informative content. Each installation is focused on a specific aspect of food security and sustainability, described through maps, projected videos, infographics, photos and stories produced by the three Rome-based UN agencies, FAO, IFAD and WFP, and the additional 18 UN agencies involved in Expo Milano 2015. The main feature of these spaces is the UN Blue Spoon, the symbol chosen to represent the theme of the United Nations for Expo 2015: Zero Hunger Challenge • United for a sustainable world. Illustrating this theme, Gallach stressed the importance of the role of women.


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