The challenge of New Humanism at Expo Milano 2015: feeding men and their heart
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  • This morning the Round Table organized by the Catholic University and by Movimento Cristiano Lavoratori entitled‘Feeding Every Man, Feeding Man as a Whole’took place at the Auditorium of Cascina Triulza. It was the final event of the Summer School “New Humanism: Characteristics, challenges, frontiers’ promoted by MCL and the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart.

    Expo Milano 2015: the occasion to discuss about the challenges of New Humanism

    “Expo Milano 2015offers the occasion to discuss about the challenges of New Humanism, involving the risk for men to lose their hopes. Having it back is a responsibility for all the citizens in the world.” This is the strong message thatEvandro Botto, Director of the University Centre for the Social Doctrine of the Church, launched during his introduction to the works of the round table. Among the attendees:Matteo Gatto, Architect, Director of Thematic Spaces, Expo 2015 S.p.A.;Mons. Luca Bressan, Episcopal Vicar of the Archdiocese of Milan;Carlo Costalli, National President of MCL (Movimento Cristiano Lavoratori);Lorenzo Ornaghi, President of ASERI (High School of Economics and International Relations), at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart;Antonella SciarroneAlibrandi, Pro-rector, Ordinary Professor of Economic Law, and member of the ExpoLAB Workgroup.

    “New Humanism – explainedBotto– offers us four challenges: the view of men who should be replaced by a sort of ‘post-human being’; neurosciences and their developments with anthropological effects that change the traditional image of men; economy and finance that supported the culture of waste and exclusion notwithstanding the crisis; technology and the new media”.

    “The themes of the Pope’s encyclical overlap with the theme of Expo Milano 2015. This Expo – statedMatteo Gatto– has to do with the theme of knowledge. It is a place for planetary debate on issues that concern the whole humanity. It is a place of education, because visitors are taught to become more aware on the issue of feeding men and the Planet. We have invested a lot on developing Countries, we strongly wanted them to be present through the Clusters. We tried to build a place of knowledge for millions of people through amazement, to allow the Expo visitors to bring home one hope more”.

    “The Church, and the Holy See particularly – emphasized Mons. Bressan – wanted to be present at Expo Milano 2015 for a political, prophetic, ecological reason. Political, because the Expo is the place to remind everyone about the responsibility we all have towards other men and the World. Prophetic to go back to cultivating ideals as Pope Francis reminds us in the Laudato Si encyclical: we are really clever to spread negativism, but we have no hope. Christianity wants to spur us to pursue this task. Ecological, because the Pope speaks about the ecology of men: we must teach an ancient science again, which is education. We need a way to learn and to bring positivity and hope back in the world”.


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