“Connecting the World”.
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  • One of the countless events held on June 21 all around the world to celebrate theWorld Yoga Dayproclaimed by the United Nations last year, was a collective meditation organized by the World Sahaja Yoga Foundation“Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi” in the Cascina Triulza, on the Expo Milano Site. This was broadcast via live streaming to over 100 countries worldwide.
    Peace, serenity and inner equilibrium are just some of the effects of meditation
    “Energy for life reconnecting the world, spreading peace and nourishing the Planet.” This is the theme at the heart of the Yoga Day event which took place today on the Expo Site. Taking place inside the Civil Society Pavilion in Cascina Triulza, under the title“Connecting the World”, the meditation was accompanied by the suspended notes of a sitar and consisted of two sessions which both had the goal of reconnecting the individual and the group with life’s inner energy. “Meditation can help one experience great inner changes. The physical benefits derived from this practice have recently been confirmed by science”, explained Cristina Milani, a member of the Sahaja Yoga Foundation. “The illustrious scientistMaurizio Zollo, lecturer at M.I.T. and Milan’s Bocconi University has experimented on meditation with a group of business managers and was able to verify a clear positive change in their personal inner wellbeing and approach to handling stress.”
    Celebrating the union of the world’s different peoples and cultures
    Today has been the first World Yoga Day, having been instituted by the UN General Assembly in December 2014 in order to spread awareness of the advantages that this ancient practice originating in India can bring to all people. The world Sahaja Yoga Foundation“Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi”is the only entity devoted to this practice present at Expo Milano 2015, and has already organized various initiatives connected with the theme of spiritual growth within the Expo Site. It decided to celebrate this day with a simple practice open to all, thus celebrating the union of the world’s cultures and resonating profoundly with the Theme of the Milan Universal Exposition.


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