LI Yong, UNIDO Director General, in Expo Milano 2015
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  • Milan, 16 June 2015.UNIDO ITPOItaly in cooperation with the headquarters in Vienna has coordinated the official visit to Italy of the UNIDO Director GeneralMr. LI Yong,  who was invited to attend the international conference WAIPA 2015 held in Milan. UNIDO Italy, for this occasion  also organized an official visit to the Expo Milano 2015.

    At theWAIPA conferenceheld in the Palazzo Lombardia, the Director General was accompanied by the Managing Director PSM / OMD of UNIDOMr. Celestin Monga, the Director of UNIDO ITPO Italy Ms. Diana Battaggia, and the Senior Industrial Development Officer of UNIDO Ms. Lucia Cartini. In the presence of delegates from around the world, and governments representatives of many countries, the Director General, during the 3rd  session of the 'Expo Milan 2015 - Feeding the planet, energy for life: the role of FDI',  presented UNIDO’s activities in line with the theme for Universal Exposition. At the occasion, the Director General also had the opportunity to meet and talk toMr. Eric MaskinandMr. Michael Spence, two noble prize winners in economics. Finally the conference ended with a private meeting between the Director General Li Yong and Italian Deputy Minister of Economic DevelopmentMr. Carlo Calendawith the scope of confirming and  strengthening  the collaboration between UNIDO and his Ministry.
    Official visit to the Expo Milano 2015

    The mission to Milan  continued with the official visit to EXPO 2015, where the Director General was welcomed byMr.Giuseppe Sala, Chief Commissioner of the Italian Government for Expo Milano 2015, andMr. Bruno Pasquino, current Commissioner General of EXPO Milano 2015. The Director had the opportunity to congratulate them on the organization of the  EXPO, and in particular for the space given to theUN system through the18 ‘spoon-shaped’ multimedia installation, located  throughout the EXPO site. At the Pavilion Zero, the Director joined  by a UN EXPO team that guided  him throughout the exhibition platform site. The program then proceeded with a visit to the China Pavilion, where  the DG met with the Commissioner of the Pavilion , who presented to him some of technological units that illustrate the Chinese cultural tradition as well as the  progress in the fields of agriculture. Following the tour he was welcomed to taste some of the famous Chinese teas presented at the EXPO.
    LI Young signed the‘ Milan Charter’

    During the visit to Palazzo Italia, the Manager of Territorial Relations, International Organization and Special Projects for Expo 2015,Mr. Fabrizio Grillo, accompanied the DG on a tour dedicate to illustrate the great Italian works of art, including a visualization of famous Italian monuments in a  remarkable kaleidoscope projection. At the pavilion Mr. LI Young signed the‘ Milan Charter’ which represent the cultural heritage of the EXPO. The visit came to an end at the New Holland Pavilion, where the Director General, participated in the signing ceremony of a 'Joint Declaration' between UNIDO ITPO Italy and CNH Industrial. The agreement aim to promote collaboration between institutions and companies in the form of training, advisory services, suitable knowledge transfer, sharing of best practices and capacity building in developing countries.Ms. Diana BattaggiaHead of UNIDO ITPO andMr. Michele ZiosiHead of  Institutional Relations for Europe, the Middle East and Africa of CNH Industrial signed the agreement, which  laid the foundation for a fruitfull joint collaboration in favour of developing countries. 


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