President François Hollande attends the celebrations for France’s National Day at Expo Milano 2015
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  • The President of the French Republic,François Hollande, was the protagonist of the National Day of France atExpo Milano 2015together with the Minister  of AgricultureStéphane Le Folland the rest of the French delegation. Italian Prime MinisterMatteo Renzi, and the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies,Maurizio Martinaalso took part in the institutional meetings.


    Excellent food and wine products represent France at Expo Milano 2015

    After the flag-raising ceremony the French and Italian delegations reached the France Pavilion, where President Hollande  participated in a guided tourt while Ministers of AgricultureLe FollandMartinaheld a press conference where the bond between the two Countries and the importance of the French presence atExpo Milano 2015was highlighted. "The France Pavilion"Le Follsaid "perfectly represents the excellences and the challenges that our Country has decided to undertake to help the developing Countries". "The presence of France at Expo Milano 2015” continuedMaurizio Martina“confirms the understanding and spirit of collaboration that distinguishes the relationship between France and Italy, especially in tackling the important themes of food insecurity and food production on a global scale".

    President François Hollande signs the Charter of Milan

    The French President signed the Charter of Milan, to show France’s commitment to combat food waste and world hunger. The document, that can be signed by all visitors, will be delivered to the General Secretary of the UN Ban Ki-moon on the 16th of October, as an attempt to leave a trace of the events and the commitments made by the Countries on the theme "Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life" even after the end of the Exposition. France has recently approved a law against food waste that involves the large-scale distribution sector.

    In the early afternoon, the President of the Republic,François Hollande, caught up with the President of the Italian Council of Ministers,Matteo Renziin Palazzo Italia, and together they held a press conference focusing on the relationship between France and Italy on the immigration theme, on the Greek crisis and on the importance of the French presence at the Universal Exposition, in view of theConference on Climatethat will be held in December in Paris."Expo Milano 2015 makes France and Italy the protagonists of the global debate on nutrition, food for all, food waste and lifestyles, themes sealed by the signatures on the Charter of Milan” statedRenzi.

    President Hollande‘s message and the objectives of France

    At the end of the press conference, Hollande returned to theFrance Pavilionto launch a last message on the role of the Country in the struggle against the problems that are troubling the planet: "France can manage the increase in population and the scarcity of food resources by enriching agro-alimentary production. Our objective, also inExpo Milano 2015, is to promote regional culture and traditions with the aim of offering a concrete solution to the challenges of the Planet”.

    During the day, a varied musical bill livened up the celebrations. DeejaysPablo Valentino,YuksekandJabberwockytook part in the event, which ended with a concert byNicolas Godin, the groupAir, and the“Cabaret Contemporain”performance at the Sforzesco Castle in Milan.
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