Austria National Day with President Heinz Fischer. The Importance of Forests for the Global Climate
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  • “The World Exposition accentuates fundamental themes like the environment, climate and energy. This inspired Austria in the creation of its Pavilion. The idea of showing live trees inside the structure is to show how important forests are to the global climate.”Heinz Fischer, president of the Federal Republic of Austria, introduced his country at the official opening of Expo’s National Day dedicated to Austria. Joining him were the Vice Chancellor and Minister of Research, Science and Economy, Reinhold Mitterlehner;President of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Christoph Leitl; Federal Minister for Arts, Culture and the Media,Josef Ostermayer, and the Minister of Agriculture, Forests, Environment and Water Use, Andreä Rupprechter, as well as the Prime Commissioner delegated by the government for Expo Milano 2015, Giuseppe Sala, the General Commissioner of Expo 2015, Bruno Pasquino, and the undersecretary of Foreign Affairs,Benedetto della Vedova.
    Along the Decumano, the Bürgermussik Mittersill and the brass players of the Bläserensemble Federspiel in traditional dress entertained the public and the delegation by playing national anthems and other traditional Austrian music. “Expo Milano 2015 is an opportunity to address the themes of global values by way of exchanging solutions and best practices offered by governments and private entities,” Della Vedova said. There is also a significant agreement on business between Italy and Austria: “The excellent level of bilateral relationships,” he continued, “is reflected in the full convergence of views and intentions in the European realm.Sergio Mattarella’sofficial visit to Vienna in the coming days will be another testament to this.”
    Next, the delegation moved to the Triennale di Milano to participate in theItaly-Austria Economic Forumand to open the Austrian Design Explosionshow, concluding the day at the La Scala Theater with a benefit concert for the Italian Red Cross. In the evening, a large celebration is set to enliven the Ex Spazio Cobianchi in Piazza Duomo with Austrians Attwenger and DJ Wolfram.


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