The Cooking Show. From Cristian Milone to Allan Bay, all last week’s guests
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    Photos: Expo 2015 | Daniele Mascolo
    Gallery: © Rai Com, Daniele Mascolo
    Another fun week has gone by at the The Cooking Show, the TV show in which Italian and foreign chefs meet to share cuisine dishes, recipes, cultures and stories reflecting on theExpo Milano 2015theme “Feeding the planet, Energy for Life”. The appointment isat the Expo Center in the RAI studioswhere two chefs face one another every day and the TV hostLisa Casali, an expert in sustainable cuisine, prepares a third dish with the leftovers of the two preparations. 
    This week began with the chef Mauro Uliassi, who cooked with the chefAltynbek Toktosunovchefrom Kazakhstan, together with the volley playerGigi Mastrangelo. Tuesday, June 23, was the turn ofCristian Milone, who prepared the Agnolotti del plin (typical flattened pasta dough squares, filled with meat or vegetables and folded over), meat broth and tangerine oil and the Korean chefSang Jun Parkwith his Gaubi. Guest in the studio wasAllan Bay, writer, gourmet and gastronomic critic. The week continued withViviana Varese, chef specialised in fish and vegetables, who prepared a risotto dish with an unusual name: the number 7. At the same time, flavours from Vietnam withChristiane Blanchetand gilthead bream with vegetables in lotus flowers.
    Thursday, June 25 was the day of other Cooking Show protagonists: the Ambassador chefAndrea Bertonwith Coffee scallops with roasted white asparaguses andHarel Zakaim, Israeli chef who showed the public how to create the sabich, pita bread with different kinds of stuffing, from fried eggplants to boiled eggs. The week ended with the creativity of the star-winning chefAndrea Apreaand his dish dedicated to the sea: mackerel, panzanella (a Tuscan salad of bread and tomatoes) and seawater. Guests of the TV host and sustainable cuisine expertLisa Casaliwere the sommelier Antonello Maietta, the journalist and food enthusiast Federica De Denaro and the young agriculturistCarlo Maria Recchia.

    How to participate in the Cooking Show
    To participate in The Cooking Show as part of the public in the studio, register at the Infopoint in front of the Expo Centre, every day up to 14.30. The live show is filmedinside the Rai Expo studio at the Expo Centre, near the Pavilion Zero,from 15.30 to 16.30 every day.
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