The Encyclical ‘Praised Be’ presented at Expo Milano 2015. Scola
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  • Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment“Praised be. On caring for our common home,”published June 18, was presented and discussed at Expo Milano 2015 with a very high-level meeting and contributions from figures from various sectors that the Holy See chose to hold at the Universal Exposition Conference on June 30. The event was organized together with theArchdiocese of Milan, the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart and Caritas. After an introduction by CommissionerGiuseppe Salaand by the Rector of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart,Franco Anelli,Enrico Mentanamoderated a discussion betweenAngelo Scola, the Cardinal and Archbishop of Milan,Neil Thorns, director of CAFOD (the Catholic Church’s aid agency in England and Wales and part of Caritas International) and the consultant for the British government on climate change,Pier Sandro Cocconcelli, Director of Expolab at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart,Carlo Fratta Pasini, president of the Banco Popolare andLaura Palazzani, professor of Biolaw and Philosophy of Law at LUMSA and vice president of the National Committee on Bioethics.
    Giuseppe Sala cites the values of Expo Milano 2015 in his introduction
    The Encyclical is “a rare opportunity for reflection and consciousness,” according to CommissionerGiuseppe Sala, who opened with three observations on its alignment with the values of Expo Milano 2015. “First of all,Pope Francisdirects his message to the entire human family, since we know that things can change. A hope for change and a concrete perception of the fact that the world is not destined to get worse comes through his appeal to everyone. Second, the Encyclical touches on a basic point of our undertaking as well: it concerns redefining progress, an exhortation and a profound incentive for us to come together for a new idea of progress. The third and last point is the call for a change in lifestyle as one of the main cures for the collective selfishness of which we are victims and executioners. It is in this spirit that the Milan Charter was introduced, to engage people, organizations and businesses to rethink our lifestyles.”Salaconcluded by thanking theHoly Father“for the language, clearly understandable by all, that he uses in these documents, this also being valuable news that brings us together, involves us and persuades us.”
    Franco Anelli, in his introduction, highlighted that “the Encyclical contains a complex conception and a careful construction, toward the unifying proposal of a whole ecology that ‘asks for an openness to categories that transcend the language of the exact sciences and creates a link with the essence of man.’”Anellistressed that it is like trying to awaken a distracted guard who has not realized the damages that are being discovered.


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