With its Image of “Foody,” it Represents the Excellence of Made in Italy
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  • “Among the many events ofExpo Milano 2015,we could not skip the stamp.” In this way,Giuseppe Sala, Commissioner for the Government for Expo Milano 2015, greeted the official issue of the Expo Milano 2015 stamp. Participating in the press conference wereRoberto Maroni, President of theLombardy Region;Domenico Tudini, President of theState Printing InstituteandLuisa Todini, President of theItalian Postal Service. “The State Printing Institute,” Todini stated, “has always had the job of telling Italy’s story through money and stamps, which are the ancient forms of communication. TheExpo Milano 2015 stampis distinct and unique and fully conveys the spirit of the Universal Exposition.”

    The image on the stamp carried a detail of Foody, Expo Milano 2015’s mascot on the right, and the official logo on the left. This small object celebrates the quality of good food and the excellence of Made in Italy.
    Beyond the single postage stamp, of which 1,600,000 copies were printed, a series of fifteen stamps was also issued, in an edition of 400,000 pieces, representing the engravings of the 1500s volume byGiovanni Tattititled“On Agriculture”: the description of food and agriculture in daily life in 1500. “Even today, stamps still hold their power to communicate,” continuesTudini. “This, in particular, stops time. We asked what ‘food’ was like in the 1500s. The quality of food, yesterday and today, must be promoted and protected. The Institute contributes to the defense ofMade in Italyas well as an expression of excellence.”

    In his remarks,Maronialso confirmed the need to defend quality and excellence. “Foody represents the richness of nourishment, the joy of healthy food and the struggle against food adulteration, which is one of the principles of the Milan Charter.” He also sees a tribute to Lombardy in this small object, “humanity’s global inheritance as the site of ten UNESCO sites out of fifty in all of Italy.”
    “We began in 1862 as an agency that prints stamps,” saidLuisa Todini. “TheExpo Milano 2015stamp takes its place among the great events of philately in the history of the Italian Postal Service. The Universal Exposition is an international showcase of flavors that informs the public on tastes and stimulates the vital energies of the world in feeding the planet. This is, then, an extraordinary occasion, and the Italian Postal Service, through this special issue, seeks to highlight the relevance and cultural impact of this to the public.”


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