At Expo Milano 2015 CONI, the Italian Olympic Committee,
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  • On Thursday July 2 the National Council of CONI – the Italian National Olympic Committee – met in the auditorium of Palazzo Italia at Expo Milano 2015. The focus of the meeting was onthe candidacy of Rome to host the 2024 Olympic Games, and this was unanimously approved by the members of the committee. In effect, Rome’s official candidacy begins in Expo Milano 2015. Protagonists of the meeting wereLuca Cordero di Montezemolo, President of the Promoting Committee for the Olympic Games in Rome 2024,Giovanni Malagò, President of CONI,Ignazio Marino, Mayor of Rome andRoberto Maroni, President of the Regione Lombardia.
    “We can’t miss an opportunity like this”
    In the margins of the Council Meeting,Montezemolounderlined that “there can be a kind of passing-the-baton moment between Expo Milano 2015 and Rome’s candidacy for the 2024 Olympics. Already, the fact that we are here today anticipates certain evaluations, because the new regulations of the International Olympic Committee foresee that some events, but not the finals, may take place outside the host city. So we are considering this.” And he added “We can’t miss an opportunity like this, we mustn’t give up, we must compete and keep competing.”
    ThePresident of CONIexplained that “Expo Milano 2015 is a success, and this result is a powerful visiting card. The Universal Exposition transmits a desire to return to Italy, indeed, the world of Italian sport has from the start been a big fan of Expo.”Mayor Marinohas been battling for this candidacy, which he considers “a challenge which will get us back on the racetrack to prove our loyalty, skill and tenacity. We can bring back the Olympics to the capitol after all these years, with immense pride. Rome is a city hurt by scandals which is beginning to change, looking ahead to heal the wounds of the past.”
    A project for the future of Expo Milano 2015
    In the morning, at the opening of the meeting,Maronispoke about the future of the Expo Site: “Our idea is that thebiggest University Campus in Europeshould be built here, including major sports facilities. We're thinking about a large athletics stadium, swimming pools and an ice stadium.”


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