The Milan Charter tours Italy with Girolio 2015 Special Expo, an olive oil promotional event
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  • The Milan Charter makes its Tour of Italy. And in good company: with Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Meanwhile, theMinistry of Agriculture, Food and Forestryhas officially approved and supportedthe Girolio d’Italia 2015 Speciale Expo initiative, which combines olive oil promotion with promoting theMilan Charter. Announcing this joint event atExpo Milano 2015 wereEnrico Lupi, President of theAssociazione Nazionale Città dell'Olio(National City of Oil Association), and the Director of Institutional Affairs of Expo 2015,Roberto Arditti. With them on the stage wereMassimiliano Tarantino, Coordinator of the drawing up of the Milan Charter and Director of Laboratorio Expo,Angelo Tortorelli, the President of Matera’s Chamber of Commerce, andLuca Braia, Director of the Department of Agriculture and Forestry of the Basilicata Region. The round-table was moderated by the journalist and TV presenterFederico Quaranta.

    A major awareness campaign
    “Linking Expo with Italy’s many regions is an excellent way of spreading awareness about the key theme of food security – declared Italy’s Minister of AgricultureMaurizio Martina, in a message sent to the conference – So Girolio will be contributing to encouraging more Italians to commit themselves to promoting the right to food, reduce food waste and protect primary resources like soil and water. And it is particularly significant that this will take place within the context of an initiative promoting a key ingredient of the Mediterranean diet like Olive Oil, which has need of a boost after a complicated year.”

    First stage: Matera
    “The presentation of Girolio d’Italia at Expo – commentedEnrico Lupi– has a profound symbolic significance: the theme of the Exposition reflects our aims of strengthening traditions connected with the historic memory of the regions, promoting and protecting the environment and the landscape where olives grow, and spreading awareness of the history and culture of olive oil. I very much hope that all over Italy people will queue up to sign the Charter.”

    The tour of the Milan Charter with Girolio d’Italiawill begin on 10 July from the city ofMatera, in Basilicata, and then proceed to all the other olive-growing areas of Italy.


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