USA National Day at Expo Milano 2015
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  • Saturday July 4 was the USA’s National day atExpo Milano 2015, a date chosen to coincide with its national holiday for Independence Day. The program began with a fine musical performance fromthe marching band of the University of Southern California(USC), playing the national anthems of Italy and the USA. Present at the event wereMaurizio Martina, Italy’s Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry,Tom Vilsack, Secretary of the USDA department of agriculture andGiuseppe Sala, Chief Government Commissioner forExpo Milano 2015.
    Collaboration: the road to creating food safety
    Barack and Michelle Obama’s video message opened the ceremony: “by 2050, we’ll have reached the figure of 9 billion people. We have a great opportunity to guarantee food security, and the United States of America is giving priority to various interventions related to agriculture, health and climate change.”

    MinisterMartina’s speech underlined the excellent relationship between the USA and Italy, and the extensive collaboration between the two during the preparation ofExpo Milano 2015.  “This Universal Exposition – explained the Minister – makes an appeal to American protagonism and strength to help to develop the sense of responsibility of every citizen of the world.” The constructive dialogue between the two nations will make it possible to adopt new development models where agriculture is a key player. Tom Vilsack praised “… the really impressive work done by Italy forExpo Milano 2015, and how this is encouraging discussion on key issues. On the day we celebrate our Independence, we must communicate forcibly that if we create dialogue we will find ways to feed nearly 9 billion people. Through the Global Research Alliance and the Feed the Future initiative, we must develop systems for guaranteeing sustainability and diversity.”

    The University of Southern California’s Marching Band parades along the Decumano
    The celebrations continued with a very American parade along the Decumano, featuring theTrojans– the marching band of the University of Southern California (USC), with its prizewinning cheerleaders. Save the Children was also part of the festivities, and so was a parade of electricFiat 500saccompanying visitors…Fiatbeing a partner of the USA Pavilion, in the year of the 50th birthday of the Fiat Cinquecento model.

    Partying in the USA Pavilion and an evening concert by The Nasty Granny’s Blues Band
    The party continued on the terrace of the USA Pavilion, with a traditional picnic and family games. Temporary tattoos and music stimulated guests and hosts alike, and a part of every purchase inside the Pavilion or from the American Food Trucks was donated toSave the Children, the event partner. The day ended with a rousing concert inside the USA Pavilion byThe Nasty Granny’s Blues Band.


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