The Cooking Show. From Tom Kitchin to Martina Colombari, all the guests of the past week
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  • One more funny week has passed at The Cooking Show, the programme featuring Italian and foreign chefs who meet and share dishes, recipes, culture and kitchen tales, reflecting on the theme of Expo Milano 2015“Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”. The meeting is every day at theExpo Centreinside theRAIstudios, with two confronting chefs and the anchor womanLisa Casali, an expert in sustainable cuisine, who will prepare a third dish with the leftovers from the previous two preparations.
    On Monday July 6, the guests were chefsAlfio Ghezziwho cooked the “Sembra riso di patate” (“Looks like potato rice”) andTom Kitchin, the youngest Scottish chef to obtain a Michelin star at the age of 29. Among his most famous dishes, in addition to salmon tartare, the new version of the haggis, a typical Scottish tasty salami. The protagonists of The Cooking Show also included the Ambassador chef Enrico Bartolini with his Barbecued Modern Aubergine and the French chefPhilippe Léveilléwho presented a dish revealing a number of contrasts, the Ice Biscuit, scallop and oyster tartare.
    On Wednesday July 8,Fabio Picchi, a chef from Florence who pays attention to wastes in the kitchen, prepared his “Petali Ragusani (a type of pasta) alla Fausto”. With him, in representation of Thailand,Maria Lombardiwith a typical dish from that Country: Gang ped pedyang, that is a roasted duck flavoured with red curry. The guest of the day wasMartina Colombari, one of the most beautiful and beloved Italian showgirls.

    The episode of July 9 was dedicated to fresh vegetables: the guests wereClaudio Sadlerwith his Spaghetti Salad flavoured with Tarragon and summer vegetables, andHirohiko Shoda, from Japan, preparing a dish with an evocative name “Gardening”. Eastern influences on Friday’s episode too with chefLuca Catalfamowho cooked Miso on fire andShigemi Kawahara, a Japanese chef presenting Ramen with clams.

    How to participate in The Cooking Show
    To participate in the audience ofThe Cooking Showjust register at the Infopoint in front of theExpo Centre, from Monday to Saturday up to 2:30pm. On Sunday up to 11:00am. The live show is recorded every day inside the RAI TV studio at the Expo Centre, close to Pavilion Zero, from Monday to Saturdayfrom 3:30pm to 4:30pm, while on Sundayfrom 12:00pm to 1:00pm.
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