Haiti celebrates its National Day at Expo Milano 2015 with traditional music and dancing
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  • On Friday July 12, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Haiti Evans Paul inaugurated Haiti’s National Day at Expo Milano 2015, together with the Ambassador to Italy Emmanuel Charles, the Ambassador to the Holy See Carl-Henri Guiteau, Massimo Cassano, Italy’s Undersecretary of State to the Ministry of Employment and Social Services and also… Annabelle, the Haitian girl who “represents” the over 800 thousand children in Haiti assisted by the Fondazione Francesca Rava – NPH Italia Non-Profit Organization.
    Feeding the planet with cereals and tubers
    The opening ceremony for Haiti’s National Day was inaugurated by its Prime Minister Evans Paul, who explained Haiti’s presence at the Universal Exposition in terms of the country’s goals and its future. “Haiti’s participation has the dual goal of promoting and sharing the country’s historic heritage with all the nations of the world”, he explained.  He went on to describe his conviction that the Milan Expo is a crucial meeting place for the younger generations especially, enabling them to learn the cultural values of food.

    From tradition to progress: Haiti parades its folklore
    The National Day continued with the visit of the Haitian and Italian delegations to Palazzo Italia and to the Cereals and Tubers Cluster. Pulsating displays of traditional Haiti music and dances, and a fashion parade of clothing by seven young Haitian designers concluded the day.


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