Bread of Solidarity, the people’s bread to fight hunger
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  • Bread. The symbol of sharing, solidarity and people’s equality. Bread appears in all traditions. It unites and connects all the cultures in the world and it wins as a fundamental food in human diet at Expo Milano 2015.
    During the day dedicated to bread, Milan hosted the representatives from Italian bakeries and some Countries participating in the Universal Exposition. So Koba bread from Madagascar, Zaatar from Palestine, flat bread from the Principality of Monaco, Saj from Lebanon paraded together along the Decumano to celebrate the Bread Festa at Expo Milano 2015, while the bicolour braid of solidarity was baked inside the Cereals and Tubers Cluster. The Bread of Solidarity is the symbol of the day, with its black and white braid representing two hands that, united in a sign of solidarity and equality, can fight hunger in all countries worldwide.
    The Bread of Solidarity will be sold at the Cereals and Tubers Cluster until October 16, the World Food Day. Its proceeds will be donated to Cefa, a not-for-profit organization in Bologna that supports the “Terra Madre” project promoted by Slow Food to provide tools and information to the farmers in developing Countries and that is committed to guaranteeing the presence of farmers from all over the world on the final days of Expo Milano 2015. The spirit of the day celebrating the Bread of Solidarity continued in the areas of the Cereals and Tubers Cluster with the tasting of breads from Countries all over the world in the afternoon.


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