Varieties and universalities of the world’s favorite food
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  • Wheat of course, but also rice, yucca and baobab. On Sunday, July 19, every country at the World Expo offered its characteristic bread to celebrate the Bread Festa. Accompanied by two marching bands decked out in gold, the pavilion representatives assembled in two separate processions at the same time from the two ends of the Decumanus, and met in Italy Square. Waiting for them was a large table of heavy wood, on which were placed many baskets full of loaves of every shape and color. 

    Diversity, universality, solidarity

    “With Bread Festa, Expo Milano 2015 celebrates the two fundamental values of the World Expo: diversity of cultures and lands, and the sharing of uniting, universal messages,” declared Roberto Arditti (Director of Institutional Affairs for Expo 2015 S.p.A.). The Bread Festa was also an occasion for presenting an important initiative hosted at the Cereals and Tubers Cluster at Expo Milano 2015, and the promotion of CEFA in collaboration with Farine Varvello (Varvello Flours). “From today until October 16, the Cluster’s oven will make Solidarity Bread, a special braid of white and black bread, to symbolize solidarity and togetherness,” explained Giovanni Beccari (CEFA representative). “The proceeds of the sales will be directed to cooperative projects in Africa and to small farmers for Mother Earth.”
    In addition to participating countries, many other groups also participated in the Bread Festa, from international organizations to businesses and civil society.  

    World Expo visitors could watch the different phases of bread making, from dough preparation to baking, thanks to a special display by the Federazione Italiana Panificatori Pasticceri e Affini (Italian federation of bread and pastry bakers and allies, or FIPPA).
    Meanwhile, the European Union Pavilion, in cooperation with that of France, baked and distributed a special soft bread with a drop of honey in the dough.


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