Algeria, a National Day dedicated to Progress
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  • Today, on August 8, Algeria’s National Day at Expo Milano 2015 was celebrated. The North African country chose to celebrate the event soberly, focusing on strategies for achieving its food security goals. Officiating at the inaugural ceremony were the Algerian Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fishing Sid-Ahmed Ferroukhi and the Italian Vice-Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Andrea Olivero. Both gave speeches highlighting the importance of international relations in promoting and implementing the development of responsible productive agricultural techniques. “Expo Milano 2015 has the mission of making the whole world aware of the need for a more responsible use of the resources which the Earth offers us”, stated the Algerian Minister, adding that “the international community, above all, has the duty to act responsibly towards the environment and towards the millions of people who still today suffer from hunger.”

    A political strategy for fighting hunger

    Algeria is participating in Expo Milano 2015 in order to demonstrate the efforts and strategic policies which the government has carried out in its inhospitable desert zones to increase low food production figures in order to lessen its people’s dependence on imported food. “The policies of agricultural and fishery development adopted by our government”, emphasized Sid-Ahmed Ferroukhi “are also vital for developing backward rural areas, thus making an important contribution to the nation’s overall economy.” Algeria’s National Day concluded in the country’s Pavilion in the Bio-Mediterranean Cluster, where videos portrayed Algeria’s beautiful landscapes, rich culinary traditions and colorful clothing and habits.

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