The Austria Pavilion has launched Mission Zero Emission, the initiative designed to promote green mobility
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  • This evening the Austria Pavilion welcomed the young people of Mission Zero Emission. The group of young people, all between 18 and 25 years old, left from Innsbruck on August 4 to travel to Milan on foot, by bicycle or by train. The initiative, organised by the association of the Austrian Alpine Club, Alpenverein, and funded by Expo Austria 2015, promoted the theme of sustainable travel and green mobility, inviting young people to make the 260 kilometer trip using eco-friendly modes of transport.
    A project designed for young people and scientific research
    “Currently the theme of eco-sustainability is very popular with young people” stated the Austrian General Commissioner for Expo Milano 2015, Josef Pröll “thanks to the Mission Zero Emission initiative, we want to show that green mobility not only favors the environment but also holds other hidden advantages”. With this experience, young people have gained awareness about the many means of transport they can use to move around without destroying the resources that the Planet offers us and which, on the contrary, can help to safeguard and protect the environment that surrounds us.
    The Mission Zero Emission initiative has also been a departure point for several studies on electro-mobility and multi-modal mobility carried out by the Fachhochschule Technikum University of Vienna, with a view to understanding which aspects most influence the choice of an electric vehicle for travelling in the city and on longer routes.

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