Nagasaki Noodles, a Chance to Remember and a Chance to Taste
点击数: 3564          作者:未知
  • Today, Sunday August 9, the Japanese Pavilion inaugurated the program of commemorative events devoted to the explosion of the second atomic bomb in the city of Nagasaki. In the presence of Toshio Takushima, President of the Association for the Export of Local Products from the Prefecture of Nagasaki, the victims of the explosion of August 9 1945 were remembered by evoking the richness and rituality of the preparation of typical products of their home region. “The massacres in Hiroshima and Nagasaki must serve to launch a message of peace: we must all promote peace”, said Takushima during the inaugural ceremony. Sharing the spirit of Japanese culture as well as its local dishes, the Nagasaki region demonstrated the strength of its people in recovering and restarting after such a traumatic event.
    A 400-year-old pasta
    Starting from today and for the next three days the Japanese Pavilion will stage a selection of enjoyable culinary performances involving visitors in discovering new flavors and new traditions. The show cooking foreseen for the Shimabara Tenobe Somen nagashi tells the story – from over 400 years ago – of the famous Somen noodles, inviting participants to simulate a real preparation, including the ways they are served in certain traditional Japanese restaurants. This will be followed by a demonstrative explanation of the Nagasaki Green Tea ceremony, and a show cooking event focused on the typical Goto Tenobe Udon noodles.

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