In the prison of Bollate, an ice cream becomes a symbol of closeness and solidarity
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  • Yesterday evening Algida – the Italian ice cream brand and partner of Expo Milano 2015 – delivered 1100 ice creams to inmates of the Bollate prison, to celebrate the Ferragosto midsummer holiday in a spirit of solidarity and social integration. The initiative was officially announced in the morning of August 15, by Roberto Arditti, with the head of the prison’s educational department Roberto Bezzi.

    Expo Milano 2015 has not forgotten its neighbors”, explained Bezzi during the press conference, “and it’s good to know that the feeling of distance, which creates psychological walls, can be reduced by a gesture of solidarity like this gift offered to us by Algida.” Expo Milano thus confirms yet again its vocation as a place of opportunity and dialogue, in a gesture made possible also by the educational attitude adopted by the prison. “We believed in this gesture from the beginning”, emphasized Roberto Arditti, “We have simply transformed the message of sharing which Expo Milano 2015 expresses into an ice cream symbolizing human closeness.” The press conference concluded with a message of gratitude from the inmates of the prison and with them expressing the hope that initiatives like weekly ice cream distribution, and others in support of their families, will continue in the future.

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