A visit to the Swiss Pavilion. In the shadow of the four towers, a whole country to discover.
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  • The four Swiss towers in Expo Milano 2015 have become famous: practically everyone has read or heard about the outstanding concept behind the four tall storage towers at the heart of the Swiss Pavilion, filled with water, salt, coffee and sliced apple. All visitors are welcome to help themselves to as much as they wish of any of these commodities: the only limit is that set by their own sense of responsibility, since none of the towers will have their stocks replenished over the six months of Expo, and therefore if visitors in the early months do not moderate their consumption, those in the last months will find nothing. In the first three months, many visitors were attracted: 766,000, at an average of 8,400 a day). Such has been the success that the Swiss Pavilion has instituted a free booking system to spread the number of visitors evenly through the day… these can be picked up at the Pavilion or booked online and improve the visitor’s experience by avoiding overcrowding.
    The ground floor exhibits: a storehouse of discoveries
    But the four towers are not the only good reason to visit the Swiss Pavilion. The ground floor – where there’s no need to make a reservation – contains various fascinating installations.
    The first is a space organized by the partner company Nestlé through its research centers and in collaboration with the Italian Auxology Institute (dedicated to the study of physical growth). This focuses on the interaction between diet and mind. It starts with a room which represents the maternal womb: a very dimly lit space (the fetus develops sight only in the last part of gestation), where the mother’s heartbeat and breathing can be heard. From here the visitor passes into a room which explores the optimal balanced diet through an interactive game and explains how the human body evolves during the 1,000 days from conception onwards and how this is influenced by the mother’s diet. In the last room, the relationship between sight and taste is explored, and information can be interactively obtained concerning the most healthy lifestyles. The fundamental message of all this is that DNA is not alone in determining our lives, because our genetic features can be differently activated according to the adequacy of our diet.
    The exhibition of the four cantons of the Saint-Gotthard Massif (Grisons, Uri, Ticino and Valais) bears the title “Water for Europe”, because this massif (known as “Europe’s Water Castle”) contains the sources of four great European rivers: the Reuss, the Rhine, the Rhone and the Ticino. At the center of the space is a huge marble monolithic model from which water flows away through channels in the floor representing the great rivers. The walls are covered with panoramic photos of the Swiss valleys.
    The Pavilion is completed by a section on the cities (Zurich, Basel and Geneva). This space usually focuses on different cities at different times, but between August 7 and September 12, as an exception, all three will join in the Urban Food Innovations exhibition, which presents a sustainable, cultured and urban portrait of Switzerland, focusing on innovation, especially in the sectors of food sciences, sustainable use of resources and food production.
    A taste of the Alps
    Switzerland’s gastronomic heritage is expressed through two options: the Swiss Terrace, a gourmet restaurant with a fine selection of Swiss wines, and Street Food, which offers the classic Raclette on wooden tables in the open air (sheltered from the rain). The Swiss Pavilion does not forget about younger visitors: it offers them a playspace and a chocolate workshop space (to be booked half an hour in advance).

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