Joel Berg at the USA Pavilion: The Hunger’s Origins do not Concern Food
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  • The USA Pavilion at Expo Milano 2015 hosted the conference "The Real Causes of Hunger in the World" hosted by Joel Berg, the Executive Director of the New York City Coalition Against Hunger. Former coordinator of the Community Food Security during the Clinton administration, Joel Berg is today a leader in communicating the effects of and actions taken to fight hunger. Welcomed onto the stage of the United States Pavilion, Berg spoke about the movement against hunger and the standards of economic sustainability and food security.

    Social policies are the solution to fight hunger

    The course of the conference explained the causes of food insecurity in developed countries, where the development of social food policies is the only solution to solve the problem of hunger. “49 million adults and 16 million American children suffer from problems related to insufficient food” said Joel Berg, "these individuals ration their food or eat low lost food of poor quality. The origins of hunger does not come from food but from power. “The solution proposed by Berg, thanks to which it will be possible to defeat hunger, is the empowerment of political and social justice because ” with these it is possible to guarantee the economic capacity to food access and the development of countries and the Planet."

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