After Expo, I wish… the program of the Caritas Pavilion for the legacy of Expo Milano 2015
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  • As part of the "After Expo I wish…" program, the square in front of the Caritas Pavilion hosted the first meeting for the Friday at the newsagent’s “The city and migrants, widespread reception for a possible integration." The event led by journalist David Parozzi attended by Father Roberto Davanzo, director of Caritas Ambrosiana, engaged in the description of the activities implemented by the Diocese of Milan supporting immigrants, and Gado Ali, who, with his testimony, offered the audience a moving excerpt from the life of an immigrant. Until the end of October, the Caritas Pavilion will host an expert and a witness engaged from time to time in dealing with one of the most important issues of contemporary society, with the scope of highlighting the contribution that Expo Milano 2015 should leave the city to define a potential solution.
    Immigrants: a resource and not a cost for the country
    In a place of confrontation and dialogue like Expo Milano 2015, this conference has stimulated visitors to reflect on the integration and daily practices that are able to generate an authentic change, starting with the city lifestyles. "Caritas works in favor of immigrants and Italian citizens to create a climate of security and reception" said Father Roberto Davanzo “hard work aimed at solving a complex phenomenon and laying the foundations necessary to dismantle the idea that Immigrants are only a cost to society and not a resource."
    Make a change through dialogue

    The results obtained by Caritas have guaranteed a future that is better than their past to many immigrants, all this through the simple gesture of dialogue. "People can become an asset," says Gado Ali  "only when they are helped to integrate. To do this the first step is listening to them. This is why mediation is essential to give them the useful information on the first day of reception."  The debate has also stressed the importance of a branched system for the assistance to immigrants, in which associations and institutions collaborate in the management of the assistance stages up to the recognition of a residence permit.

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