Exciting Choreography for a Key Country in the Future of Food
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  • A magnificent traditional dance performance at the Expo Center in Expo Milano 2015 by the Ndere Troupe got the celebrations for Uganda’s National Day off with a bang today. The African nation is participating in the Universal Exposition in the Coffee Cluster. Present at the initial flag-raising and national anthem ceremonies werePaola De Micheli, Italy’s Undersecretary for the Economy, Bruno Pasquino, Commissioner General of Expo Milano 2015and a large Ugandan delegation headed byAmelia Kyambadde, Uganda’s Minister for Industry and Commerce.
    “Uganda has a vital strategic role to play in Africa – declaredUndersecretary De Micheli– and not only in terms of the debate on food security. Its agriculture is turning out to have extraordinary potential, and this makes its presence at Expo Milano 2015 extremely important. A nation with an unusually low average age, for some years now it has imposed intelligent campaigns against poverty and in favor of schooling. Italy is happy to take this opportunity to repeat its willingness to work together on a shared process for reinforcing the country’s agricultural system.”
    A young country, where growth is everywhere
    “The presence of Uganda at Expo Milano 2015 – statedUganda’s Ministerin her official speech – is a great opportunity to introduce our nation to the international community, reinforcing existing relations and creating new partnerships. It is an opportunity for showing our products, mostly organic ones like cocoa, tea and coffee… we are the second biggest coffee producer in Africa. But we also export fish, leather and craft objects. However, we need to add more value to some of our products, and this is what makes increased foreign investment so important.” Uganda, situated right in the heart of Equatorial Africa, is experiencing a period of growth (GDP has been growing at an average of 7.1 percent per year between 2005 and 2014), this is thanks above all to a stable government, a youthful population and the business skills of Ugandan families.
    An afternoon of dances and investment encounters
    At the end of the official opening ceremony, the Ndere Troupe gave another exhilarating performance and then accompanied the parade of the delegations to the Uganda Pavilion in the Coffee Cluster, where the folkloric ensemble’s spectacular dancing attracted many visitors.
    The afternoon was devoted above all to the Business Forum “Uganda: land of opportunities: coffee, tourism and investment”, in which growth and investment opportunities for foreign investors in Uganda (especially Italian investors) were explained, accompanied by accounts from Italians already running businesses in Uganda.
    The performances of live Ugandan music and dancing will continue in the Coffee Cluster from July 4 to 7, and on the same days the artist Nuwa Wamala Nnyanzi will explain and demonstrate batik techniques.


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