Wednesday, June 29 was the National Day of Romania at Expo Milano 2015.
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  • Wednesday, June 29 was the National Day of Romania at Expo Milano 2015. The day of celebrations began with a flag-raising ceremony and official speeches in the presence of Italian and Romanian representatives. Attending were Andrea Olivero, Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, Bruno Antonio Pasquino, General Commissioner of Expo Milano 2015, Valeriu Zgonea, President of the Chamber of Deputies and loan Vulpescu, Minister of Culture.Romania can become the granary of Europe
    Olivero opened the ceremony focusing on the “sincere friendship and vitality of relations between our two countries. Italy is the second commercial partner of Romania. And the food industry is the most promising one to make us connect more and more. Your Pavilion shows how the Country lives in harmony with nature. Romania - said Olivero - has the potential to become the granary of Europe."
    Valeriu Zgonea congratulated on the success of Expo Milano 2015, underlining that it is important to leave a healthy environment to our children. “Our Pavilion was able to present the innovative nature of its people effectively. After over 135 years of diplomatic relations between our two Countries, we still have potential to develop, such as renewable energy sources. Thanks to this Universal Exposition, we can say that all the good ideas come from Milan.”
    "Business Forum and investment": meetings between the institutional delegations
    The day continued with a visit to the Romania Pavilion. The delegations were accompanied along the Decumano by the parade with the Junii Sibiului band. The "Business and investment Forum" then took place, organized by the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania, in the presence of Georgian Ghervasie, Commissioner General of Romania for Expo 2015, Valeriu Zgonea, and other public and private Romanian directors. Diana Bracco at Palazzo Italia then received the Romanian delegation for the official lunch and the signing of the Golden Book.
    Concert of the Romanian Youth Orchestra at the Auditorium
    The concert of the Romanian Youth Orchestra, directed by Cristian Mandeal with a special appearance by the soprano Anita Hartig, took place at the Auditorium at 17.00 hours.

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